A journey through the memories of teenager Paul Varderman as he reflects on the events leading to the fatal moment his life is cut short. Paul moves...
In a remote part of rural, post-apocalyptic England, now occupied by unseen alien invaders, a feisty teenage girl sets out on a desperate attempt to...
On the death of his father, Tim Webber returns to his childhood village in Somerset to find something sinister is disturbing the idyllic peace of the...
Waterloo Road is a UK television drama series the first broadcast was in the United Kingdom on BBC One on 9 March 2006. Originally set in a troubled...
When Tom and Ellen are together, things seem to work. It's only in the spaces outside the relationship - the intrusions of real life, and the deadly...
Michael has been involved in organized crime all of his adult life, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at...