KING OF BACHATA, directed by Charles Todd and Devin Amar, and produced by Sony Music Latin, Chimby Productions and Scheme Engine, combines the making...
Following Pentatonix on their sold out 2015 tour featuring behind-the-scenes footage, live performances and the making of their debut album + over 25...
Following Pentatonix on their sold out 2015 tour featuring behind-the-scenes footage, live performances and the making of their debut album + over 25...
The documentary tracks the making of Reasonable Doubt, Hova's rise to stardom, and the legacy of the iconic album. Directed by Scheme Engine, the doc...
The documentary tracks the making of Reasonable Doubt, Hova's rise to stardom, and the legacy of the iconic album. Directed by Scheme Engine, the doc...
The documentary tracks the making of Reasonable Doubt, Hova's rise to stardom, and the legacy of the iconic album. Directed by Scheme Engine, the doc...