The film follows a character known as The Cinematographer, who is looking for someone called Atieh (Future). As he calls out to her, he is magically...
A corrupted police officer insists on bribing a broke man, so he has to go to everybody and do everything in order to be able to pay him in the very...
Make the following sentences with the following words: (two points) French mosaic, painting, stand-up comedy, instagram, rehearsal swearing, hahaaa,...
Kamran and Moluk, middle-aged siblings, live penniless in the family's Tehran mansion, selling furniture to pay expenses. Their brother, who owns the...
An Iranian actor named Akbar is trying to become a serious actor instead of the clown everyone considers him to be. However financial problems force...
A veterinarian called Habib who has tried to expose the crimes of Shoulan, decides to commit suicide under the pressures of Shoulan. He meets a girl...