Bob Stanley was an American secret agent during World War II in France. After the war Stanley returns to France as a consul. In reality, he works for...
Alain de Blomette, a family man, is in danger of becoming a deviant under the influence of his mistress Fanny Lacourt. He steals a bracelet, loses at...
Robert Lanier, a man with a doubtful past, disembarks clandestinely in Le Havre decided to rebuild his life. Johnny, an orphaned young acrobat, takes...
Frank Keany is the chief engineer of a uranium mine located under the overwhelming sun of New Mexico and owned by a woman, Moira Warden. She suspects...
An old vagrant accidentally meets a man who has just killed his wife. They are both housed with an old woman who lives in the nostalgia of a youthful...
A successful playwright reflects on his journey from his Armenian roots to adapting in France, forty years after his family's move to Marseilles. He...