With a haunting atmosphere and a narrative open to different interpretations, 'El joven Diego' is presented as a metaphor that explores interpersonal...
Emilio, a shy, not too brilliant pupil at a humble local secondary school, has always harboured a secret love for Natalia, the cutest, brightest girl...
'The Best Day of My Life' is a documentary that follows the lives of six people from different parts of the world (Spain, France, Uganda and Russia)...
At the end of the summer of 1992, three 15-year-old girls, Sandra, Eva and Malena disappear without a trace from a nightclub in a coastal town. When...
At the end of the summer of 1992, three 15-year-old girls, Sandra, Eva and Malena disappear without a trace from a nightclub in a coastal town. When...
Dolores Lolita runs the Cabaret, a theater located in a central street of Madrid. In these times of economic crisis, the artists living in the annex...