Two friends make a fresh start isolated in an abandoned place of Crete. The arrival of a German woman, awakens the erotic passion, and brings intense...
A man wishes he could turn back time to correct the mistakes he made in his relationship. The timing, destiny and the meaning we give to love are the...
Two brothers, the honest Michalis and the swindler Nontas, are forced to resort to bank robberies in order to pay off the latter's entanglements with...
It was supposed to be just an ordinary holiday on sunny Kos, but Toni has to rescue a beautiful local girl, a talented free-diver, from the clutches...
In a post nuclear era where owning books is a felony and the intellectual community is persecuted, a group of scientists is trying in vain to find a...
Based on the books of famous author Victoria Hislop, the series transports us to Crete and London, through 12 riveting, independent stories, starring...