This human drama centers around two loner Russian soldiers who are caught smuggling arms and consequently arrested. The two characters do not want to...
The movie is based on the events in South Ossetia in August 2008, and portraying a brutal Georgian army engaging in ethnic cleansing at the behest of...
A unit of new recruits sent to patrol Gaza during the First Intifada in 1989. A washing machine is deliberately pushed from the roof of a building as...
In an old apartment building on the wrong side of the tracks, two women, unknown to each other, live across the hall on the second floor. Galia is an...
A young boy falls in love with a dancer. He follows this dancer into the unknown, away from home and from his mother. For the first time in his life...
An Israeli tv show about 6 kids who discover one day, under an asteroid attack on earth that kills everything but them what their true destiny is- to...