The true story behind the iconic Selamat Hari Raya song written in 1958, by P. Ramlee and Jamil Sulong during a variety show which they had organised...
When her sister Melati gets kidnapped by a human trafficking syndicate in Malaysia, Bulan, a trainee in an Indonesian special forces team, embarks on...
The aspiring virgin wanted the widow. He said he had a lot of experience. The only weird Ainee Marwah dream.
Then, Ainee Marwah meets Tengku Razeen....
The couple, Tuan Hakimy and Puan Tiny often change their maids every two weeks because of the maids who often cause problems in the house as well as...
Arman is willing to sacrifice his love for Rania after knowing his good friend, Haikal has put hope on Raina. Since then, Arman has only been able to...