Four years after the events of SHIROBAKO the series, Musashino Animation has gone through unprecedented changes and things are looking bleak for the...
A mysterious girl named Sakura escaped after her fox friend, Shizuku was arrested. When he managed to escape, she fell to the Human World only to be...
Go! Princess PreCure is set in a boarding junior high school, named Noble Academy. The protagonist Haruka Haruno is a 13-year-old first-year student....
In a world where magic is not a fairy tale but has existed for one hundred years siblings Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba prepare to begin their studies at...
There are many idols with long-established talent agency 346 Production. And now the company is starting a new program, the Cinderella Project! Girls...
The story begins one winter day when the wish of a few girls was realized with a miracle, changing the landscape of a town. "In the skies above this...
This is Meiro-machi (Labyrinth Town), the town of fortune-telling. In town, there is a fortune-telling shop called Urara, where girls aspiring to be...
Natsuo is a high school boy who is experiencing the crushing despair of unrequited love. To make matters worse, the person he is in love with is his...
In the beautiful land of Astraea where a gentle breeze blows, a young man named Yuuki awakens with no memory of his past. There he encounters a guide...
There are many idols with long-established talent agency 346 Production. And now the company is starting a new program, the Cinderella Project! Girls...
This is Meiro-machi (Labyrinth Town), the town of fortune-telling. In town, there is a fortune-telling shop called Urara, where girls aspiring to be...