Brava Gente was a television series aired by TV Globo in Brazil between 2000 and 2003, initially as a special year-end. The program was adapted from...
O Quinto dos Infernos was a 2002 mini Brazilian historical comedy television series. It was written by Carlos Lombardi, and directed by Wolf Maya and...
Isaura was born in 1835, in the farm of Commender Almeida. She is the daughter of the slave Juliana and the tenant of the farm, Miguel. Juliana dies...
Isaura was born in 1835, in the farm of Commender Almeida. She is the daughter of the slave Juliana and the tenant of the farm, Miguel. Juliana dies...
Isaura was born in 1835, in the farm of Commender Almeida. She is the daughter of the slave Juliana and the tenant of the farm, Miguel. Juliana dies...