Doctor Shiro Kubo, whose family had a severe accident leaving the mother in a coma, is called to treat a strange disease. His daughter is suspicious...
Humanity is suffering from a series of mysterious murders across the globe, known as the 'Mincemeat murders'. High school student Izumi Shinichi has...
Having lost her beloved father at an early age, Yuri lives with her mother and younger brother. Yuri's mother meets a new man, but they are deeply in...
High school student Yoshio Kamogawa suddenly gained the power to read other people's minds. One day, he receives mail from Sae Asami in Tokyo asking...
While walking their shiba dogs, 3 middle-aged men meet at the park everyday. They do not know each other's names. They keep their distance, but chat...
Satoshi Makino is a genius classical guitarist. One day, he meets journalist Yoko Komine. They become attracted to each other, but Yoko Komine has a...
Yuki has decided to quit pursuing music as a career. One day he meets composer Michiko and her son Kengo who has a pervasive developmental disorder....
Adapted from Kabei Yukako's novel of the same name. After being guided by a mysterious message from the past on a cellphone's answering machine, Umi...
Three Japanese men in their thirties and forties are professionals working in law, dentistry and banking. These three men are close friends and they...
Michio Iruma is a former lawyer. He now works as a judge in the first criminal court (commonly known as "Ichikei") of the Tokyo District Court. He is...
Kie is a full-time housewife who has lived a life like fresh water. However, one day, her husband's affair was suddenly discovered, and she left with...
Asahi is a 23-year-old boy who attracts everyone around him with his innocent smile, words and talent. Chatani Kashiko is a 35-year-old working for a...
Urashima Eiji is a university student and his father is a serial murderer. One day, he realises that he is suffering from a dual personality disorder...
Set immediately after movie "Golden Kamuy," the hunt for the escaped prisoners with the tattoos that collectively reveal the location of hidden gold...