Salina liSalina's home is a beautiful bungalow with a mysterious history. When strange and terrifying incidents begin to occur, especially around her...
The story tells the tale of 3 friends who travel to the city of Kuala Lumpur in search of fulfilling their dreams. Mazlan, Azlee and Wahid dreams of...
"Hantu Bonceng" revolves around Amran (Zizan Raja Lawak) a delivery boy who often races in illegal drag races. It all started when Amran wins a race...
Forced into a marriage by her parents, Dalila, is restless and despondent. When her husband, Muslim, slips into a coma after a bad accident he awakes...
Since childhood, Fikri has been separated from his family due to the turmoil of life. Until he was found by Ah Leong, a hawker tau foo fah. Can Fikri...
In 1941-1945 Women who were taken from their families to be used to satisfy the lust of the soldiers during the Japanese colonial era in Malaya. The...
The story of a family arranged marriage between Riyana and Zafran which triggers a sense of love when Riyana is pregnant. However their marriage was...