A fantasy film in which the world is coming to an end due to North Korea's sudden announcement of a nuclear explosion, and an ordinary office worker...
Ki-Chul drives his friends out to a resort situated by an abandoned coal mine. His father owns the resort. When they get there, they cross paths with...
Park Jung-gu sends out homemade bombs to people he finds online who are likely to use them, yet these devices are unused. One day, Jung-gu meets Lee...
Jung-ho, the former South Korean undercover hid in North for 20 years. When he finally flees back to South, his dead wife starts to appear and haunts...
A working class family wins a free vacation to Hawaii. But when their plane takes flight, it gets hijacked by terrorists. To save her family and the...
Joon Hyeok is an unpopular musician whose life has hit rock bottom. He had already broken off his relationship with his older sister, Joon Hee, when...