Duk-soo lost his father and younger sister while taking refuge during the Korean War. He leaves for Germany to work as a miner and enters the Vietnam...
After the death of their father, two siblings are raised by their father's best friend. However, when one gets kidnapped just before her wedding, the...
Consumed by jealousy, a woman takes an extreme step and undergoes surgery for a new face. Although her lover of 2 years misses her, he falls in love...
Two strangers have dropped their kids off at a pickup area for a children's camp in Helsinki, Finland. A spark of mutual interest is ignited between...
The life of Ipse, a 19-year-old girl who cannot get out of her own bed due to psychological trauma, is as motionless as a plant. Having no family and...
The seventeen year old 'Yeong-jae' was safely sent away to the group home 'Isaac's house'. He is old enough to leave now, but doesn't want to go back...