This movie tells the story of Aliah, who wants to get married, just like any other girl, but the problem is she has a phobia of the wedding ceremony...
"Senario Asam Garam" starts with the incident where Asam (Mazlan Pet-Pet) and his assistant Garam (Zaibo) try to sabotage the kiosk owned by Cik Hawa...
Adi, a pickpocket lands himself into trouble while trying to run away from his latest victim. Two bank robbers catch him and make him their hostage,...
Naive yet kind Bob moves to a new apartment and falls in love with a peculiar woman named Maya. Maya who lives with her sister, harbours a secret and...
Ustaz Kazim Elias is a beloved religious teacher, but at the same time, there are individuals who are jealous and not satisfied with him, even to the...