Two friends Mike and Kwesi take a journey to Ghana to seek pastures new. While en-route to complete a lucrative land deal, they encounter an array of...
Shoot the Messenger follows one man's painful journey towards self-discovery. On the way he finds both his own attitudes and the expectations of his...
Wild and newly single, Julie throws a late night party. In the kitchen, Jean and Kristina clean up as the celebration heaves above them. Crossing the...
Hero: Inspired by the Extraordinary Life & Times of Mr. Ulric Cross
Inspired by the life and times of Caribbean war hero, judge and diplomat Ulric Cross whose amazing life spanned key moments of the 20th Century like...
In a parallel present where the latest must-have gadget for any busy family is a 'Synth' - a highly-developed robotic servant that's so similar to a...
A bored young mum steps through a portal and discovers a world of incompetent knights, monks who are incapable of lying, and a race of people intent...