An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a third-year student and his buddy at their holiday job. Desperate to lose his virginity, he...
After Fanie takes Dinky, a strong Zulu woman, to his Afrikaans family wedding, the two find an unexpectedly fun cross-cultural romance. But in order...
Helena Joubert lost herself somewhere between her Varsity love, the big, crazy wedding, and her two hyperactive kids. She and hubby Gustav exchanged...
Andries Plak is a South African comedy-drama television series about a farmer who lost his farm in a legal dispute and is forced to squat in a shack...
A South African Afrikaans-language television drama series produced by Spectro Productions in association with M-Net Original Productions in which a...
The story is set in the mountains of Kwazulu-Natal on the farm Donkerland. It follows the lives and times of seven generations of the De Witt family,...