Bob Spit, a comic book character, lives in a post-apocalyptic desert inside the mind of his creator, the legendary Brazilian cartoonist Angeli. When...
In this bio-documentary, you will get to know Claudia Wonder, a Brazilian transsexual at the forefront of LGBT rights activism and alternative music...
As Carmen prepares to marry for the fourth time, her three sisters find themselves juggling romantic predicaments of their own in this offbeat comedy...
It tells the story of young people who dream of a modeling career and the rise of their lives. It all starts when the Sex Appeal agency, led by Edgar...
Tancinha is a charming fruit seller known for her hot temper who gets torn between an explosive relationship with passionate truck driver Apolo, her...
In this romantic comedy, life links together the fate of three completely different women, after witnessing the murder of a judge during a hurricane...