An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a third-year student and his buddy at their holiday job. Desperate to lose his virginity, he...
Yvette has dreamed of performing Romeo and Juliet since starting high school. Now, in her final year, the headmaster has decided to use the school's...
The unit specializes in the investigation of serial murders and is led by Van der Bijl, a former murder and robbery detective who gained fame for his...
A South African Afrikaans-language television drama series produced by Spectro Productions in association with M-Net Original Productions in which a...
When Cape Town housewife discovers evidence her husband is having an affair with a stripper, her investigation takes her to a world poles apart from...
After experiencing an unspeakable tragedy, a young suburban couples move to the small coastal town of Swartwater. They soon become embroiled with the...
7de Laan is an extraordinary microcosm where good and bad, evil and wholesome characters find themselves forming part of a wholesome community where...
The story is set in the mountains of Kwazulu-Natal on the farm Donkerland. It follows the lives and times of seven generations of the De Witt family,...