A pretty psychiatrist is saved from an accident by a man who, after hitting his head on a rock, believes he is Santa Claus. As she nurses him back to...
A dark comedy about an eclectic group of strangers invited to a downtown bar by a mutual ex-lover, Nikki Franklyn, a maddeningly sexy, unpredictable...
A rebellious teen becomes embroiled in a dark conspiracy that involves her late father, after everyone thinks she drowned while vacationing with her...
At the center of one of Hollywood's most notorious burglary rings in 2009 was a group of average, middle-class teens from a quiet suburb. This is the...
This is an adaptation of an essay by New York Times Best Selling essayist David Sedaris. It follows his attempts to teach creative writing at an art...
Amanda Vaughn, once the ultimate high school "mean girl," is forced to return home in disgrace after her marriage ends in scandal. As Amanda and her...