A 50-minute special of the anime featuring three mini-episodes. It premiered shortly after the beginning of Sailor Moon SuperS and took place in the...
Tsubomi Hanasaki is woken by her best friend Erika Kurumi only to find out that their two fairies, Coffret and Shypre, have left just leaving a note...
Arale and company arrive at a nice location for a picnic. They soon discover a beautiful stone with strange powers. Before they know it, a dangerous...
It's Nozomi's birthday, but it is disturbed by Bunbee chasing after a girl from another world, Chocola. When Pretty Cure rescue her, she thanks them...
Tsubomi Hanasaki is woken by her best friend Erika Kurumi only to find out that their two fairies, Coffret and Shypre, have left just leaving a note...
In the city of Minato Mirai in Yokohama, the news of Fusion's defeat by the Pretty Cures is the hottest topic in town! Girls everywhere, were in love...
True ghost stories described and/or narrated by the survivor involved and commences with the name and location of the one submitting the story. Each...
Randy and ChaCha (Randy's pet dog) are best of friends. One day, ChaCha passes away, and turns into a star to watch over Randy. But ChaCha decides to...
Knights and Dragons are mortal enemies, right? And everyone knows what happens when a Knight meets a Dragon, right? Wrong! When a Knight and a Dragon...