Tin Kai-On moves to Hong Kong from his hometown and initially resents his father's new wife, but gradually comes to accept her. Kai-On lives with his...
War of the Genders is a Hong Kong sitcom which aired on TVB Jade from 21 February to 7 July 2000. The series was produced by TVB with Tsui Chong-hong...
Money-minded lawyer Sung Sai Kit (Cheung Tat Ming) was extremely clever and his eloquent speech has won him thousands of cases in court. However, he...
War of the Genders is a Hong Kong sitcom which aired on TVB Jade from 21 February to 7 July 2000. The series was produced by TVB with Tsui Chong-hong...
YUEN (KWONG WA) was born in a royal family and he rejects black magic. In contrast, KAM (FAN SUI WONG, TERRY), who is from a poor family, is obsessed...