A story of young men and women born in the 80's and 90's who meet in Beijing. Through their struggles in the metropolis, they hold on to their dreams...
The first reality show on detective stories adapted from classic IP. Every episode is based on a classic IP drama. MCs are able to adapt and act out...
As the chairman of a successful technology company, Lu Kun often finds himself in large group settings. While he has no problem addressing any number...
Strange events start unfolding after anesthesiologist Lu Yan unexpectedly runs into her friend Deng Man, who died years ago. Detective Jiang Chengyi,...
Mao Xue Woof is a scene-based reality show variety show with the relationship of original friends as the starting point. The program takes friendship...
The first reality show on detective stories adapted from classic IP. Every episode is based on a classic IP drama. MCs are able to adapt and act out...
The program brings together nearly 150 artists who cross the border to become athletes in the program to prepare for and compete in three categories...
A social experiment reality show about the cultivation of an ideal community, inviting 15 guests to Taohuawu, 15KM away from the city center, to live...
As a student, Lu Jia spent most of her time in school dreaming of the day she finally caught the attention of Xu Jia Xiu. A student in the class next...
Taking look on the day-to-day work schedule of literary and art workers as the starting point, it uses the three stages of meeting, observation, and...