Qian Fei, an investment bank employee, was originally immersed in the happiness of planning her future life, but unexpectedly, her fiance Wang Ruohai...
The movie follows a group of freshmen in college as they navigate through the wild days of friendship, pranks, and love. ~~ Based on the song written...
This is an extraordinary tale of how an ordinary scholar becomes a prince of a different surname (from the imperial family). With his wife, he lives...
Screenwriter Liu Xiangshang has a relatively free schedule in his daily schedule. He is responsible for the education and care of his son Guoning and...
In 1986, when Yugoslav nuclear power expert Lehmann came to the East China Sea to inspect nuclear power and question China's ability to build nuclear...
The program brings together nearly 150 artists who cross the border to become athletes in the program to prepare for and compete in three categories...
A captivating romance unfolds between a confident, cat-like woman and a bold, loyal younger man. As they navigate their differences, they find mutual...