A story revolving around a small nation during the warring states era. It was a dangerous time in the land as people were dying from the plague. The...
The film tells the story of the early Ming Dynasty, the reappearance of the Yin soldiers, the brocade guards Xu Li (Lin Fengsong) was assigned by the...
A famous idol gets trapped inside a video game and his girlfriend finds ways to bring him back. He becomes the 3rd prince who only cares about music...
It tells the sweet romance between Fu Sihan, the domineering CEO with a disability, and Yun Xiangxiang who gets a chance to restart her life and get...
The legendary thief marries into the Xu family, thus starting a battle of wits and will with a stone-faced inspector. Caught in a cat-and-mouse game,...
The program brings together nearly 150 artists who cross the border to become athletes in the program to prepare for and compete in three categories...
Neuroscientist Shan Yu discovers the sudden death of his first love, Min Ying. Before she died, she clutched a birthday candle in her final moments....