In the year 2010, a secret war was fought and lost by video stores worldwide. One by one those that remained were assimilated by the new media giant...
A young woman who is unknowingly in possession of a legendary "cursed tape" takes a collection of old video tapes to a video store. She and the store...
In the year 2010, a secret war was fought and lost by video stores worldwide. One by one those that remained were assimilated by the new media giant...
In the year 2010, a secret war was fought and lost by video stores worldwide. One by one those that remained were assimilated by the new media giant...
In the year 2010, a secret war was fought and lost by video stores worldwide. One by one those that remained were assimilated by the new media giant...
A young woman who is unknowingly in possession of a legendary "cursed tape" takes a collection of old video tapes to a video store. She and the store...
A young woman who is unknowingly in possession of a legendary "cursed tape" takes a collection of old video tapes to a video store. She and the store...
A year after an accident sidelines her skating career, Eva accepts an invitation to a mysterious competition in a remote town. Some terrifying events...