A drama set in the year 1516 in Tuscany. Niccolo Machiavelli, stripped of office, remains in exile awaiting his return to favor by the new duke. When...
Set before the first World War in part of Poland under Austrian occupation, the story of a young boy in primary school who later grows up to become a...
Set before the first World War in part of Poland under Austrian occupation, the story of a young boy in primary school who later grows up to become a...
Set before the first World War in part of Poland under Austrian occupation, the story of a young boy in primary school who later grows up to become a...
Set before the first World War in part of Poland under Austrian occupation, the story of a young boy in primary school who later grows up to become a...
A drama set in the year 1516 in Tuscany. Niccolo Machiavelli, stripped of office, remains in exile awaiting his return to favor by the new duke. When...
Set before the first World War in part of Poland under Austrian occupation, the story of a young boy in primary school who later grows up to become a...
Danusia and her daughter Basia live far away from the modern world, in tune with the rhythm and laws of nature, among animals and the spirits of the...