Betrayed and on the run, a former North Korean agent tries to seek revenge on the man who killed his wife, find his missing daughter, and uncover the...
8 contestants compete for $1,000,000 on a survival reality TV show set in the Australian desert. After the first eliminated contestant is found dead,...
Two young men, Ye-joon and Jae-moon, have been close friends since doing military service together. Ye-joon has lately worked his way up to becoming...
Ancient Korea, 17th century. The powerful Khan of the Jurchen tribe of Manchuria, who fights the Ming dinasty to gain China, becomes the first ruler...
A rookie English teacher named Han Gi-tak goes into Byulli Island, a rural island village, to look for a easy money job that will satisfy his resume....
Seong Jae works at a major firm, but always works late due to the workload. Once, he falls asleep while working overtime and reaches the Sleep Bank,...
An anthology consisting of three horror shorts from different Asian directors: Memories by Kim Jee-woon, The Wheel by Nonzee Nimibutr, and Going Home...
Kim Sooyoung is a judge who decides to join the challenging world of politics in order to rectify it. He wins an election and becomes a congressman,...
Movie meets humanities! This talk show/variety show for movie enthusiasts features interesting discussions by a writer and two movie directors where...
Show about adults who enjoy an everyday vacation in an unfamiliar place in order to heal their tired minds and bodies. They will enjoy the activities...