Set in Genoa, the film concerns the financial struggles and emotional strain that occur after Michele loses his job. He and his wife Elsa are forced...
Leo and Nina lived happily out of wedlock until one day Nina asked Leo to marry him. Leo, hostile to conformity, had always been opposed to the idea...
Billy was a child prodigy who had invented and hosted a successful music podcast at nine. He is now 19, lives with his eccentric mother, is secretly...
Maria Celeste is a widow that lives in a retirement home. She is stingy, unpleasant, solitary and looks down on people. Every Sunday Maria sits alone...
Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons.
Three couples on very different duties -- 2 cops, 2 dispatch officers and 2 criminals -- are stuck together in their narrow workspace, be it a police...