Ten years after the film Home (2009), Yann Arthus-Bertrand looks back, with Legacy, on his life and fifty years of commitment. It's his most personal...
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a...
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a...
In a few short decades humanity has completely upset the balance of the planet, created by more than four billion years of evolution. We are paying a...
Who has not dreamed of embracing the city of Paris from the sky? Fly and explore the exceptional places that have shaped and are shaping the history...
Ten years after the film Home (2009), Yann Arthus-Bertrand looks back, with Legacy, on his life and fifty years of commitment. It's his most personal...
Earth From Above is a documentary series dedicated to the major challenges faced by our planet, bringing the viewer beautiful High Definition images...