After the enforced absence of their father, the three Waterbury children move with their mother to Yorkshire, where they find themselves involved in...
Welcome to the extraordinary world of Robert Burns, Scotland's National Poet. Presented by Iain Cuthbertson, this unique video tells the story of the...
A small town shopkeeper is conned into standing for an extreme right-wing party at a by-election and later discovers his financed by the corporation...
Plain Jane Hartman hates her life. She's goofy, boring and only has sex if she reads Iris Murdoch novels out loud to her loopy boyfriend. Her oldest...
Wallace Pidgeon, a schoolteacher, has a School Sports Day that goes drastically wrong and finds himself torn between the contradictory demands of his...
The Ghosts of Motley Hall is a British children's television series written by Richard Carpenter which was produced and directed by Quentin Lawrence...
Department S is a United Kingdom spy-fi adventure series produced by ITC Entertainment. The series consists of 28 episodes which originally aired in...
Inspector Morse is a detective drama based on Colin Dexter's series of Chief Inspector Morse novels. The series starred John Thaw as Chief Inspector...
The Protectors is a British television series, an action thriller created by Gerry Anderson. It was Anderson's second TV series using live actors as...
The Baldy Man is a television series starring Gregor Fisher, a Scottish comedian. It was broadcast in two series comprising thirteen episodes on ITV,...
Sutherland's Law is a television series m
The series had originated as a stand alone edition of the portmanteau programme Drama Playhouse in 1972 in...
Campion is a television show made by the BBC, adapting the Albert Campion mystery novels written by Margery Allingham. Two series were made, in 1989...
Campion is a television show made by the BBC, adapting the Albert Campion mystery novels written by Margery Allingham. Two series were made, in 1989...
Danger UXB is a 1979 British ITV television series about World War II developed by John Hawkesworth and starring Anthony Andrews as Lieutenant Brian...