A crime-action film depicting the story of Taekdong, also known as "Tazza" in the online gambling community, jumping into the real gambling world for...
A young woman struggles to pay the hospital bills of her vegetative husband. Despite her hard work, there's no hope for him to ever wake up, until an...
Krisha is the daughter of the Yates who are the nomad tribe of the tundra. To save her sick mother, she follows the words of Shaman and takes off on...
Struggling to support herself and teenage daughter, a widow rents out the second floor of her home to a man who claims to be a novelist working on a...
Seung-woo, a creatively blocked screenwriter, travels to the small town of Samnye to escape the distractions of big city life. There he meets Hee-in,...
Mu Myeong is a Joseon dynasty headhunter who meets and falls in love with lady Ja Yeong who will become the future Empress Myseongseong. A few years...
A class of students stays at school for a camp in an elite study group to finesse theirs and the school's grades. Upon the first night, the swimming...
Yeon Jeong In is the legal guardian of her mother, who is lying unconscious in a hospital bed for the past ten years. She feels exhausted from all of...
Set within the competitive power struggles of TV home shopping hosts, three hosts compete each other with intense desires to achieve success and gain...