In war-torn Japan, the Tokugawa Shogun, desperate to restore peace to his people, orders the assassination of the hostile warlords. A beautiful young...
***Fushiawase wo Anata ni (We Bring You Misfortune) A woman sees a company called "Fushiawase wo Anata ni" (we bring you misfortune) promoting a new...
Based on the historical figure of Nobutora, the father of the famous Warring States period general Takeda Shingen. Takeda Shingen has proven himself...
Fifteen years ago, three childhood friends, Geki, Sherry and Okuma, were star-gazing and became inspired to go into space. As adults, Geki and Okuma...
A new evil organization known as Space Shocker, which are led by the magic-using Space Ikadevil and Space Spider Man, threatens the Earth by causing...
The film stars Seishiro Kato as Rantaro who is sent to a ninja training school by his parents. During the summer, their teacher is invaded by a group...
Kai Hyuga / Sharivan uncovers the existence of a spy from the Neo Madou organization. In addition to that Kai's friend, Seigi, becomes the new Space...
A stage play adaption of the 2005 video game 'Yakuza' as part of the 10-year anniversary celebration of the game's release. Ran from April 24 - April...
Set at the end of the Sengoku period to early Edo period, "Sanada Ten Braves" follows 10 members of a ninja group who all serve under samurai warrior...
Shinichi, Tatsuya and Makoto live in a provincial town. They are all friends and 25-years-old. Even though they only think about women and sex, they...
A new female detective joins the special investigations team and dives into some of their hardest cases in this follow-up to the series 'Unfair.' The...
Writer-director Gu Su-yeon's new film draws on his own semiautobiographical account of growing up as a delinquent zainichi Korean (Japanese-born, but...
Water Boys is a Japanese television drama series aired in Japan on Fuji Television in 2003. There is a fairly large cast due to the amount of members...
This drama portrays the nostalgia of "the good old days" and youthful hopes and dreams. Yuika Satonaka (Ueto) is a freshman in university who came to...
Japanese adaptation of the American TV Series "24". Genba Shido is the director of Team A in the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU). He is excellent at his...
Nishina Shiho, is a young mother and raises her child while working as a writer at home. Although she enjoys her life and has a perfect husband, she...
The drama takes place in the 28th year of the Meiji Era. After their victory in the First Sino-Japan war, the whole of Japan is celebrating. Against...