A terminally ill crime boss, known only as "The Man", hires a hit man named Frank to carry out his own assassination as well as the assassination of...
In a small town, a serial killer mutilates the bodies of his victims and leaves a flower on the corpses. The sheriff and his wife/deputy investigate...
When she takes a job babysitting a young boy for a night at his family's remote farmhouse, sweet college co-ed Angie Albright becomes the target of a...
Two lawyers dueling over a proposal to turn a quaint mountain town into a ski resort discover they are former childhood sweethearts. Lisa is fighting...
It is the story of a fiercely fought election campaign, where money power and corruption are the accepted norms, and where treachery and manipulation...
The Division is an American crime drama television series created by Deborah Joy LeVine and starring Bonnie Bedelia. The series focused on a team of...
Jerri Blank is a former prostitute and junkie whore who returns to high school as a 46-year-old freshman at Flatpoint High. Jerri ran away from home...
Madigan Men is an American television comedy that premiered on ABC in the U.S. on October 6, 2000. The show performed poorly in the ratings and among...
FreakyLinks is an American television show that combined elements of horror, mystery, and comedy. It aired on the Fox Network from October 2000 until...