Ever since their champion was defeated, the world of girls' junior high ping pong has been in turmoil. Koyori is the new smirking transfer student at...
The story follows Hime Arikawa, whose absent parents have left him saddled with a huge debt. After being saved from debt collectors by three girls on...
Socially awkward Aharen-san has personal boundary issues, either getting too close or too far from her classmates. When fellow student Raido picks up...
After dreaming about an anime she used to watch as a child, Minoa Asagaya could not forget a particularly memorable scene. However, despite her best...
After meeting an untimely death, Tomokui Kanata is reincarnated as a lowly goblin, but he's worked up a monstrous appetite. Thanks to his new ability...
After dreaming about an anime she used to watch as a child, Minoa Asagaya could not forget a particularly memorable scene. However, despite her best...