The events revolve around Hadi Hadi Abdel Hadi, a thirty-year-old lazy young man who lives with his father. His life is turned upside down when he is...
Unexpected events force a rich, self-centered, and snobbish man from Upper Egypt to work as a janitor in Cairo, where he begins a journey that would...
In the 1950s, Ali, a young man, arrives at the Grand Hotel in the beautiful city of Aswan to investigate the disappearance of his younger sister. He...
Years after the death of his parents, a strange phenomenon brings Nour and his father together, and they seek to overcome the shock of the encounter...
When Ahmed, a plastic surgeon, and Laila, the owner of a cosmetics project, meet, they soon fall in love with each other, but their different family...
A man in his thirties finds a secret basement that takes him back to the year 1943 and reveals a past he did not know about. Driven by his curiosity,...