Charlie Alexander is a private detective who gets caught up in sinister trade union machinations when he stumbles across the dying Stan Peace, a shop...
Modern dating is a world filled with white lies, false pretences and confusing games. It's a world that Nina, an undiagnosed autistic woman, is about...
Angela Black leads a seemingly idyllic life with two beautiful sons and a charming, hard-working husband while covering the fact that she is a victim...
Lindsay Carter is a woman whose husband has spent four years in prison for robbery, and has to keep her family in order. Her wayward children include...
Secluded on a remote Greek island, retired assassin Julie has a somewhat thorny reunion with her estranged son, Edward, visiting from England. Armed...
Angela Black leads a seemingly idyllic life with two beautiful sons and a charming, hard-working husband while covering the fact that she is a victim...