A mystery game show in which six celebrity players become suspects in a murder case and they have to prove themselves innocent while at the same time...
Baek Dong Joo, a newly hired funeral director, has the uncanny gift, or curse, to momentarily resurrect and talk to the recently deceased. She has to...
Ten contestants participate in a fierce, high-level psychological survival game to keep the sum of everyone's weight. From 40kg to 200kg, contestants...
Yoo Jae-suk reunites the producing team of Infinite Challenge and presents you How Do You Play? The Indefinitely expanding YOONIVERSE, based on Yoo's...
Movie meets humanities! This talk show/variety show for movie enthusiasts features interesting discussions by a writer and two movie directors where...
Idol specialized MC Jung Hyung Don and MC Jang Sung Kyu attach everything in the world with K-POP idol stars! Multinational K-Pop idol stars compete...