In an age when large-scale natural disasters frequently happen all over the world, when cyborgs and autonomous robots are beginning to appear on the...
In order to take over her grandmother's Dagashi store, art student Kumi Honamanuma moved to Kyoto. She met Harami Mino, K Kusanagi, Mai Haisaka, and...
Third-grader Himeno moves to a huge mansion in the country. However, she soon finds out it's a ninja house! The ninjas Akamaki, Aomaki, and Kiiromaki...
Centuries after the events of Saga Brave, a third race called the Mauve has emerged alongside Humans and Mazoku. Identified by their purple blood and...
In Animal Town where humans and animals live together, Iroha who loves animals is very close to her dog Komugi! One day, a mysterious creature called...
This is a slightly peculiar world where the shipgirls live in. A lively and enjoyable school life for girls from different factions will begin at the...
Two young people living in the Wahrheit Empire are planning to relocate to the capital city: the shy Inumael who works as a transporter and left his...
Lingalind is a land enclosed by the Wall. The Wall covers, protects, cultivates, and nurtures the land. One day in Edger, a village on the outskirts...