A drama that depicts the trajectory of four years in the life of two young musicians and one woman who dreamed of becoming a star, leaving Hakata to...
When Koichi Takahasi (Miutani) is transferred from Tokyo to a small village in Iwate Prefecture, they set up hoe in a two-hundred year-old farmhouse....
The "wheels of mystery" begin to move when a man working at a small shipyard meets a female student who seems to get upset at the sight of him. While...
Coerced by the evil Witch Raga, Ashura, the Hell Virgin, attempts to unlock the four Earth holes that lead to the Gates of Hell. Together, Raga aims...
The hotel Chateau de la Reine is located in Paris, France and it is considered the finest hotel there. The hotel has been in existence for 300 years....
Sasaki Ryohei (Yamada Ryosuke), the second son of the Sasaki family, is a high school student who lives in Shimane. He has just been chosen to be the...
This is a sweet love story between 29-yr-old Yuki and 20 yr-old Doku. The story begins when Yuki, an ordinary OL, traveled to Vietnam and was rescued...
In 1802, 8-year-old Mio lost her parents in a river flood in Osaka and feels all alone after she is also separated from her childhood friend Noe. She...