After a childhood friend's suicide, Hideaki and his former classmates reunite to pay their respects. Soon after, a DVD, marked X arrives revealing a...
Defence lawyer Emi is assigned to a particularly unusual case: a man is suspected of murdering his wealthy wife, and his only alibi is a 421-year old...
Sayaka works at a office. She's not very good at her job or with love. One night, she finds a man, Itsuki, collapsed in front of her home. She takes...
Izumi (Kento Hayashi) was abandoned by his parents. He now commits burglary, targeting women and the elderly. He is chased by the cops. While on the...
Iku (Nana Eikura) joined the Library Defense Force after a member from that team retrieved an important book that was targeted for censorship. She is...
Suspicions fall on politician Tagane Seizo over the sale of nationally owned land to a social welfare service corporation back in 2010. Seizo Tagane...
After years of trying, Kyoko and her husband Takehiro are finally pregnant. But their joy at the prospect of becoming parents ends suddenly when they...
In a studio at the foot of Mt. Fuji, Gaku Hamada is struggling to shoot a movie with a dog in the lead role. Enter a huge cast of veteran actors who...
Sailor Zombie was a TV-Tokyo Drama which featured members of AKB48 in its main casts, some of their guests are also from AKB48. It's title theme song...
This delicate love story transcends the spoken word as it depicts the lives of an aspiring young actress and a painter who lost his sense of hearing...
This is a sweet love story between 29-yr-old Yuki and 20 yr-old Doku. The story begins when Yuki, an ordinary OL, traveled to Vietnam and was rescued...
Osawa Eriko is a beautiful career woman who has just returned from training in the U.S. and is appointed as the "boss" of this division. But despite...
Minami is a 27-year-old female office worker in an advertisement agency. Though she has a boyfriend, she spends the majority of her time working and...
Sanada plays a salariman who just lost his job. Yonekura, his wife, is a dancer who gave up her career when they got married. In the middle of family...
Takako Mamiya is a lawyer who quits her job at a prestigious law firm and establishes her own office. She confidently sets out to build her business,...
Japanese adaptation of the American TV Series "24". Genba Shido is the director of Team A in the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU). He is excellent at his...
Thirty-year-old Koume Shingyouji leaves her job at a major building firm to join family-run Marufuku Builders. There she teams up with Gennosuke, the...
The job of a medical jurisprudence involves a lot of complicated crimes such as murder and accidents. Hikaru (Fukatsu Eri) is a graduate of a medical...
This comical suspense drama centers around Kaoru, a divorced female detective, and Hinako, a housewife married to a detective. Hinako can't keep her...