A group of childhood friends, now in their thirties, reunite at Camp Tamakwa. Only a few of the original campers show up, but they still have a good...
Gerald Price, who is a clerk at at advertising agency, is tired of being lowest in rank. When he meets the girl of his dreams he has to deal with her...
When drillers on an offshore oil rig dredge up several prehistoric eggs, one man is attacked by what appears to be an unidentified deep-sea creature...
When a single mother and high-powered Chicago ad executive returns to her home town in Kansas to care for her ailing father, she rediscovers the joys...
A man who is still mourning the death of the woman he loves, meets a man who says he created a machine that can bring anyone to a parallel world. He...
An aged World War II veteran and a young street punk violently meet and discover more in common than anticipated. The film was nominated for an Oscar...
John "Jack" Turner is a maverick scion from an American political dynasty, a "true believer," who must reconcile his passion for the purity of law in...
Dex Parios is a strong, assertive, and unapologetically sharp-witted Army veteran working as a P.I. in Portland, Oregon. With a complicated personal...