On September 9th, the day of the Katakai Fireworks Festival, high school student Hana comes home from the hospital after six months of treatment for...
Based on a true story - a true love story of a man and his wife who are at the mercy of fate, but wish to be reunited for 11 years. With thoughts of...
The 8th All-Japan Road Race Championship. The internationally ranked A-level SUGO circuit is on the edge of its seat as the 500 cc final draws near. ...
20-year-old rookie police officer Kawai Mai works hard at a police box and feels both physically and mentally drained. She has never felt appreciated...
Kohei Kuryu is a former juvenile delinquent who drops out of junior high and goes on to earn a high school equivalency diploma. After passing the law...
A story about a young man named Masaya, whose lifelong dream is to go build a life in Tokyo. Masaya thinks his life in his hometown is uncool. A few...