A struggling housewife decides to become a real estate agent and inadvertently puts her life in danger when she takes a job with a corrupt broker who...
When ambitious reporter Allie Rusch is recruited by vindictive music manager Vivian Cartwright to play cupid to famous pop musicians Caleb Greene and...
Sandra is excited to go on a romantic cabin getaway in the woods with her new boyfriend, Brant. Everything is going well until Sandra begins to feel...
Samantha's life is turned upside down after a terrifying car accident leaves her 10-year-old daughter Cassie severely injured. Already struggling to...
Decorated army veteran Jason Hill is on a routine visit to the local VA hospital when organized terrorists infiltrate the building and take hostages,...
A pastry chef dreams of opening her own dessert shop; she is paired with another chef for a grand event during which they must learn from one another...
Loren (Brittany Underwood) a smart, shy and independent high school senior who has ambitions of being a songwriter, secretly sends her song lyrics to...