The Jake Effect is an American NBC situation comedy starring Jason Bateman, Nikki Cox, and Greg Grunberg. Seven episodes were produced to premiere in...
Brooke McQueen, a popular cheerleader at Jacqueline Kennedy High School, and Sam McPherson, the editor of the school paper, are polar opposites. When...
Los Angeles couple Bryan and David have successful careers and a loving relationship and are ready for a baby. Just as they start to worry that they...
The story of Candy Smalls, the highest-ranking female elf in the North Pole. When the successor to Santa Claus is poached by Amazon on Christmas Eve,...
I Hate My Teenage Daughter is an American sitcom that ran on Fox from November 30, 2011 to March 20, 2012. It aired at the 9:30 pm /8:30 pm timeslot...
Busy Phillips gives her hilarious and outspoken opinions on the latest pop culture stories and trending topics with candid celebrity guest interviews...
Sean Saves the World is an upcoming American television series starring Sean Hayes. The multi-camera comedy is expected to air on NBC as part of the...
Maddie and Ben have been dating for nine years and they know each other inside and out. Maddie's younger sister, Mia, has been dating Casey for seven...
Whitney is an American sitcom that ran on NBC from September 22, 2011 to March 27, 2013. The series originally aired in the 9:30 pm /8:30 pm Thursday...