A professional scammer is hired by a wealthy young businessman to find a hidden treasure looted from the Bank of Japan and supposedly stashed away by...
The Golden Trio of junior high school soccer players, Toshi, Kenji and Kazu, enroll at the new Kakegawa High School merely because they want to play...
After a man gets fired from his work at a printing plant, he moves with his couple to her hometown in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. There, the woman...
Rolling Bomber Special is a Web Original that tells the story of Katori Shintaro, and his quest to destroy the world...if the "heroes" of this story...
The universal theme of friendship, in all its vulnerability, tenderness, and purity, is explored in this drama. The flow of seasons forms a thematic...
Lady cop (Asano Atsuko) and team leader (Katori Shingo) are lovers and they solve major crimes together, targeting psychos. One day, the team leader...
Sudo Misaki, an editor with misgivings about her professional and private life, is assigned to Nagase Koh, a popular romance novelist who has been in...
This is a story about 3 men that live together : Zen, Taro and Ken. One morning they wake up to find out that they are now fathers; which helps them...
This is a sweet love story between 29-yr-old Yuki and 20 yr-old Doku. The story begins when Yuki, an ordinary OL, traveled to Vietnam and was rescued...
A new educational variety "Waruiko Atsumare" that both children and adults can enjoy suddenly started on NHK Educational TV from 8:25 on September 13...
39-year-old Nagasato Daisuke is a bachelor who works for a stationery manufacturer. Although he is attuned to trends and interacts with other people...
A promotional program that was broadcast on the Fuji TV series [Note 1] from April 15, 2007 ( early morning on the 16th) to December 25, 2016 (early...
" Oja MAP!! " was broadcast on Fuji TV from January 25, 2012 to March 28, 2018 every Wednesday from 19:00 to 19:57 ( JST ). Travel variety show . The...
Toneri Shinichi is a young man living in a condominium in Saitama. He's someone that fails at everything he does. Whenever he gets a new job, he gets...