Mystery Magical Special is an American television special aired on Nickelodeon. Advertised as a Halloween-themed program, the special was originally...
The Oscar nominated actor best known for his role of Mr. Miyagi, left behind a painfully revealing autobiographical record of his much-too-brief time...
A Las Vegas magician who performs at children's birthday parties convinces the woman of his dreams to be his assistant, while the local Mob guys try...
A Las Vegas magician who performs at children's birthday parties convinces the woman of his dreams to be his assistant, while the local Mob guys try...
A Las Vegas magician who performs at children's birthday parties convinces the woman of his dreams to be his assistant, while the local Mob guys try...
A British magic show and variety show that aired on BBC1 from 9 June 1979 to 18 June 1994. Daniels' assistant throughout the series was Debbie McGee,...
In each episode, two celebrities train with professional magicians and compete to create a show-stopping series of magic performances. The celebrity...
Meet Therapist Dr Elizabeth Goode. She's brash, unconventional, judgmental, but undeniably thriving as the "it" therapist to Hollywood's maladjusted...