A psychological thriller set in the post-COVID Tokyo. The film follows a woman looking for her missing son, and a shady young man who approaches her,...
Natsuko's mother is hospitalized and only has six months to live. Her last wish is to see her father, who left her 20 years ago. Natsuko sets out to...
Modeled on Setouchi Jakucho, Inoue Mitsuharu, and his wife, 2 women depicts the special relationship between a man and two women, based on the novel...
Modeled on Setouchi Jakucho, Inoue Mitsuharu, and his wife, 2 women depicts the special relationship between a man and two women, based on the novel...
Motozo Imamura, a.k.a. Gen, grew up in an upper-class family, but he never went to school and spent his days playing around. One day, he walked into...
The film depicts the life of a high school student today, touching on issues of purity, sports, higher education, and employment, through the pursuit...
Osanai Kei enjoys a peaceful and happy life with his wife Osanai Kozue and daughter Osanai Ruri, but his wife and daughter die in an accident. Osanai...
Shokudo Megumi is an oden restaurant run by Megumi, a popular former fortune teller who lost her powers. Now she still helps her regular customers in...
A story of friendship between Noe and Natsuko, two women in their 50s, who both return to the housing complex where they grew up together. The drama...