Lichter is an episodic tale from Hans-Christian Schmid about the life on the border between Germany and Poland. The film sheds light on the everyday...
Nina, an end-of-teenage orphan with mental problems, starts a new job as a garden cleaner when she meets Toni. They fell in love with each other, but...
In a small town in Northern Germany, a penniless German veteran is offered a job as a deliveryman by an alcoholic Turkish entrepreneur, through which...
It's midsummer in the Spreewald. The heat affects everyone. A man throws himself in front of a truck on a lonely country road to commit suicide. His...
Julka is 75 years old and seems to have had a long and beautiful life, but a letter left in her house by her first love will change everything. Julka...
Because of trouble at school, 16-year old Isabell's single mum persuades her to take part in a self-knowledge seminar in the Sudeten Mountains. What...
In the little town of Herzsprung - whose name harks back to an ancient legend of broken hearts - almost nothing has changed since German unification,...
SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term...
SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast...