Set in the year 2005, a division of the FBI, called "NetForce" has been initiated to investigate Internet crime. A Bill Gates-type character finds a...
When high school football player Cam Stiles loses his best friend, he decides to drop football and focus on attaining his friend's goal of running a...
Richter Boudreau is on a bad streak: Languishing in the shadow of his celebrity mother, he loses his job as a film critic for the town paper, and now...
The story follows a troubled woman and her search for identity. She is given a choice between a return to the dysfunction of the past, or a new life...
Seth Warner has reached the end of his rope. Ever since his wife died two years earlier, his world has been in turmoil. He is despondent, his career...
Cate has a small boutique where she sells vintage clothes. She is dating some snob whose mother thinks that Cate is a second-class citizen because of...
Medical students discover the quirks of Caribbean-island living at Croft University Medical School, run by a maverick medico who made a fortune with...
Set in the year 2005, a division of the FBI, called "NetForce" has been initiated to investigate Internet crime. A Bill Gates-type character finds a...
Gypsy Smith, is a gunfighter and a bounty hunter. When he leads the US army into a Cheyenne camp to capture a suspected Indian renegade, a long train...